The Town of Floyd came into being a few years after the American Revolution. In 1790, a “Captain Benjamin Pike" made his way up an Indian waterway called the "Te-Ya-Nun-Soke” meaning “A beech tree standing." To build his cabin, he picked a site along the banks of this river/creek in an area the early settlers named "The Punch Bowl.” It is believed this name was chosen due to the geographical shape of the area. upon the banks there was aa village with many cabins, grain mills, blacksmiths, glass makers, a masonic meeting place and a tavern. This entire village and all of it's inhabitants and buildings were soon to be abandoned as the focal point of activity moved to higher ground and centered at first in what is now known as “Floyd Corners". The old punch bowl area is still referred to as “The Punch Bowl.” The name of this waterway “Te-ya-nun-soke” drifted into past days of memories having long been renamed "The Nine Mile Creek." Legend has it that this was because the early settlers of the Fort Stanwix area had measured the entrance of the creek from the Mohawk River as being nine miles from what became "Rome," thus providing the early boat and pack haulers with a designated marker. Having moved the ''village” north, the area grew rapidly.
On March 4, 1796, the New York State Legislature formed from the then Town of Steuben, the “Town of Floyd" named in honor of Major General William Floyd, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a huge landholder in the town. (Interestingly, the "Town of Rome" came into being on this same date - although not until some moments after Floyd's designated moment - making Floyd "older" than Rome!) On this same date, Floyd's first Supervisor, Lt. Col. Stephen MouIton was elected and re-elected in 1797. Floydians refer to “The Old Colonel” as the founding father” due to his (and his sons) great efforts at forming a fighting unit during the revolution, training the men, outfitting them and leading them into battle. This was while he resided in Connecticut -- the regiment having been authorized by Gen. George Washington at Boston Commons along with the commissioning of Stephen as Lt. Col. and his unit, “THE 22nd CONNECTICUT REGULARS".
Floyd grew rapidly, becoming one of the most affluent of Oneida County towns, sending several men into higher county and state offices, and a magnet area for intellectually inclined Masonic, scholarly, political and anti-slavery activities. Although there are several "hamlet" type of areas currently, only one survived from the early days, this being "CAMRODEN CORNERS", so named because of the Walsh immigrants centering at this location, about 2 1/2 miles north of Floyd Corners, the name being of Welsh origin. From about 1825 until late 1880's, little English was spoken in this “village", which at the time had its own store, 3 churches, post office, blacksmiths, saw mills, feed mill, an industrious tannery and, in 1905 even their own telephone company “The hemlock Line", so called due to the local cutting and installation of hemlock tree logs for poles. In the 1800's, during the time of construction of railroads, canals, and plank roads, Floyd, due to its location, began to decline, losing out to surrounding villages and cities which had the railroads, canals and roads. Floyd became strictly rural, made up almost entirely of farmers and a few business enterprises. It became more "isolated" when the Air Force located the giant airfield, later know as Griffis Air Force Base, in 1941 cutting Floyd away from any major highway until the construction of Rt.365 in 1948. From that point on Floyd began to experience new growth, and is becoming a “bedroom” community for many that work in nearby Utica or Rome areas. During the period of decline much of Floyd's history was apparently lost and misplaced. Some Floydians, concerned with this vacuum, felt necessity to attempt to resurrect this loss and are making efforts to restore it. With the loss of parishioners at the old Camroden Presbyterian Church, and facing closing, a few caring persons approached church officials and the Floyd Town Board seeking the preservation of the church building and the towns history by forming a Historical Society and purchasing the building. This was done for one dollar, and the historical society was formed in 1995. This group meets every third Wednesday of the month, and is seeking members and Floyd artifacts, and any one interested in Floyd's history and the preservation of the same.